Beating Cellulite, Naturally!
The ongoing, uphill battle of trying to get rid of the nasty orange peel so many woman suffer from. There is definitely no miracle cream that can promise guaranteed fool proof results, but if this is a road you are going to explore then doing it naturally is a good way to go! Aloe Vera has high concentrations of both Vitamin C and E which act as brilliant antioxidants, these obviously help to eliminate cellulite. However it is actually the ability Aloe Vera has to make collagen, through its high levels of protein, that makes it such a successful eliminator of this disliked dimpling of skin.
Aloe vera is also amazing in helping with other skin conditions such as burns, rashes, cold sores and frostbite. Interestingly, the first study into Aloe Vera was done in 1935 and from there research has continued and extended the many benefits of this natural miracle healer. At Godding & Godding we have combined Aloe Vera with silk to create a pure and natural product that hydrates the skin, balancing out the pH balance, but at the same helping to combat cellulite!